9 Incredible Health Benefits of Cardamom

Incredible Health Benefits of Cardamom

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a beautiful flowering plant in the ginger family that hails from India and Africa. It’s commonly used in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Ethiopian cuisine. The spice, which actually comes from cardamom pods, has been used by humans for millennia and has an extensive history of medicinal uses. Here are 10 incredible health benefits of cardamom that have been borne out by scientific research

Cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum) is a beautiful flowering plant in the ginger family that hails from India and Africa. It’s commonly used in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Ethiopian cuisine. The spice, which actually comes from cardamom pods, has been used by humans for millennia and has an extensive history of medicinal uses. Here are 9 incredible health benefits of cardamom that have been borne out by scientific research.

1) Helps treat ulcers

Drinking a cup of cardamom tea can help treat ulcers. A study published in The Journal of Ethnopharmacology found that cardamom oil effectively reduced stomach pain and acidity, both common symptoms of ulcers. When combined with other antacids, cardamom helped heal wounds faster, prevented infection and raised blood levels of hemoglobin. Consuming crushed seeds mixed with milk helps heal mouth ulcers faster. It also helps dissolve blood clots in thrombosis or heart attacks, treats coughs and colds, constipation and intestinal worms.

2) Improves digestion

Cardamom is renowned for its ability to treat indigestion and other digestive issues. The spice stimulates production of bile from your liver, helping to break down fats and aiding in digestion. Mix a little cardamom with coconut oil and honey for a flavorful blend that provides relief from an upset stomach or gastritis. As such, it’s also been shown to help with diarrhea, constipation, vomiting, hiccups and heartburn.

3) May help reduce depression

One study, published in Phytotherapy Research, suggests that cardamom may be helpful in treating depression. The reason behind its antidepressant effect could be due to its high concentration of essential oils and volatile compounds called terpenoids. Both compounds have been shown to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In fact, some studies have also found that cardamom oil is an effective treatment for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and even back pain. Additionally, it may help decrease anxiety levels as well, by encouraging more relaxing and slower breathing patterns through both inhalation and exhalation.

4) Helpful against breast cancer

A 2012 study found that cardamom inhibited growth and invasion in a line of breast cancer cells. Research into spices as potential anti-cancer agents is still in its infancy, but what we know so far is pretty encouraging. It's nice to know that you can get cardamom's help with one hand and eat it with another (cardamom helps digestion, too). It would be even nicer if cardamom was effective against other types of cancer, including prostate and colon. But at least there are reasons to think it will work—and scientific interest in cardamom continues to grow.

5) Treat heartburn and acid reflux

Just 1 teaspoon of ground cardamom can help settle an upset stomach. Add 1⁄2 teaspoon to a cup of water and sip as needed. Alternatively, try using cardamom as a flavor ingredient in chicken soup. Some people say it’s more effective than peppermint oil at relieving heartburn and other digestive symptoms. The antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds in cardamom can also help protect your stomach from peptic ulcers, according to one study published in Phytomedicine. Studies have also shown that cardamom may ease symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

6) Lower risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease

The smell of cardamom has been shown to help with memory loss and even reverse damage to brain cells. It can also reduce your risk for neurodegenerative disorders such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Boost heart health: Cardamom is loaded with antioxidants that fight inflammation in blood vessels, which helps prevent heart attack and stroke. Regulate blood sugar levels: In addition to lowering your risk for diabetes, cardamom helps keep your blood sugar levels under control by balancing insulin production and secretion.

7) Helps with cold symptoms

Whether you’re congested or have a cough, try brewing cardamom in your tea. It will help to clear your lungs and open up your nasal passages so that you can breathe easier. Add a teaspoon of ground cardamom to some boiling water, let it steep for five minutes and strain into a cup before drinking. Alternatively, add 1⁄4 teaspoon powdered cardamom to some hot water or herbal tea. Not only does it ease cold symptoms but is also used as an expectorant (to relieve coughing) and helps expel phlegm by loosening congestion.

8) Boost immune system function

In a study conducted on rats, researchers found that cardamom oil can induce memory, learning and neuroprotective benefits. This can be helpful for those suffering from Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia. Additionally, an animal study showed that cardamom could lower levels of high blood pressure by reducing inflammation levels in animals. While more research is needed to determine whether cardamom has similar effects in humans, it’s an important herb to include in your daily diet to improve immune system function and reduce overall stress levels. Remember: stress has been shown to negatively impact our health — it can aggravate pre-existing conditions such as heart disease and even contribute to some cancers!

9) Prevents cancer growth and tumor development in animals

In a study conducted by Indian researchers, cardamom was found to be extremely effective in preventing cancer growth and tumor development. In fact, it was 100 times more effective than a well-known antifungal drug! The researchers reported that cardamom’s ability to stop the production of an enzyme called cytochrome P450 can cause cell death in cancer cells without affecting normal cells. Eating cardamom will not only help prevent cancer but it may also help treat existing cancers. However, it should be noted that further studies are required before any definitive conclusions can be made.

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