7 Benefits of Mint Leaves That Will Improve Your Health

If you’re looking for a delicious and healthful way to aid digestion, look no further than mint leaves. A Japanese study found that men who ate 7 grams of dried mint leaves twice daily reported significantly improved digestion. The beneficial compounds in mint leaves may help relax your stomach muscles, encourage bile production and reduce nausea caused by motion sickness or morning sickness. Pregnant women should consult their doctors before using mint leaf to treat nausea during pregnancy.

Mint leaves have many benefits. If you’re already eating mint leaves, you should know that they can do so much more than add flavor to your favorite foods and drinks. Mint leaves are delicious, but they also provide several health benefits that are worth exploring in more detail. In this article, we look at seven of the biggest benefits of mint leaves, as well as suggestions on how to use them in your diet and what other benefits you can get from using mint leaves in other ways.

Mint leaves have many benefits. If you’re already eating mint leaves, you should know that they can do so much more than add flavor to your favorite foods and drinks. Mint leaves are delicious, but they also provide several health benefits that are worth exploring in more detail. In this article, we look at seven of the biggest benefits of mint leaves, as well as suggestions on how to use them in your diet and what other benefits you can get from using mint leaves in other ways.

1) Reduces Pain

You know that minty cool feeling you get after drinking a hot cup of tea or eating fresh mint leaves? This is thanks to menthol, a compound in mint that actually stimulates nerve endings in your mouth and helps reduce pain. Menthol is also anti-inflammatory and can be used to treat toothaches, muscle pains, and cramps. So go ahead and add some fresh mint leaves to your tea; it might just make you feel better!

2) Treats Respiratory Problems

Not only does it make your mouth feel fresh, but mint has many health benefits. One of these benefits is that it can help treat a number of respiratory problems like bronchitis, asthma and even hay fever. This plant doesn’t just offer relief from nasal congestion, it can also help relieve sinus pain by reducing swelling in the nasal passages. Just try rubbing a bit on your forehead to relieve headache pain as well. While you should always consult with your doctor before taking any herbal remedy, most experts agree that mint leaves are safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding. As long as you don’t have an allergy to peppermint oil or other components within these leaves.

3) Aids Digestion

If you’re looking for a delicious and healthful way to aid digestion, look no further than mint leaves. A Japanese study found that men who ate 7 grams of dried mint leaves twice daily reported significantly improved digestion. The beneficial compounds in mint leaves may help relax your stomach muscles, encourage bile production and reduce nausea caused by motion sickness or morning sickness. Pregnant women should consult their doctors before using mint leaf to treat nausea during pregnancy.

ntioxidants, vitamins and minerals all make mint leaves a superfood for your immune system. Drinking tea made from mint leaves can reduce symptoms associated with colds and flu. Reduce Stress: Mint leaves are also known to help reduce stress levels in those who consume them regularly. Increase Energy: Mint leaves are full of caffeine, so they will not only help you stay alert during long shifts at work or while studying, but they’ll also boost your energy without giving you jitters like a cup of coffee would. Sleep Better: Including mint leaves in your evening routine can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night by lowering stress levels throughout your body.

4) Boost Immunity

Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals all make mint leaves a superfood for your immune system. Drinking tea made from mint leaves can reduce symptoms associated with colds and flu. Reduce Stress: Mint leaves are also known to help reduce stress levels in those who consume them regularly. Increase Energy: Mint leaves are full of caffeine, so they will not only help you stay alert during long shifts at work or while studying, but they’ll also boost your energy without giving you jitters like a cup of coffee would. Sleep Better: Including mint leaves in your evening routine can make it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep through the night by lowering stress levels throughout your body.

5) Eliminates Bad Breath

Did you know that mint leaves are great for eliminating bad breath? This is one of my favorite benefits, because who wants to kiss someone with bad breath?! Not only do mint leaves make your mouth fresh, but they also kill bacteria in your mouth. You can either chew on a few mint leaves or brew a pot of mint tea to eliminate bad breath. (Remember, though: It’s best to rinse with water after either option.)

6) Relieves Fever and Coughs

Consuming mint leaves daily can help to relieve fever and coughs. If you have a cold, brew some fresh mint tea by pouring boiling water over 1-2 sprigs of fresh mint and let it steep for 5 minutes. After steeping, strain out the leaves and drink up! The peppermint in mint has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which help alleviate coughing due to respiratory irritation.

7) Anti-Inflammatory Properties

According to a study published in September 2014 in Food & Function, mint contains rosmarinic acid, which has been shown to reduce inflammation and counteract oxidative stress. To get more rosmarinic acid in your diet, pair mint with foods high in omega-3 fatty acids—like salmon and eggs—to enhance absorption. (6) Why it’s so effective at reducing inflammation: It seems counterintuitive that eating some leaves could help reduce pain caused by muscle aches and swelling. But when you break down its components, you can see how it makes sense.

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