Why You Should Start Eating Brazil Nuts Every Day

Brazil nuts are one of the most popular types of tree nuts out there, but do you know why? They’re one of the healthiest! The good fats in brazil nuts can help lower your cholesterol and they can even boost your memory. Even though they have more calories than other nuts, they’re full of nutrients that will keep you feeling and looking great! Learn about all the benefits of eating brazil nuts every day with this guide on how to start eating brazil nuts every day.


Brazil nuts are one of the most popular types of tree nuts out there, but do you know why? They’re one of the healthiest! The good fats in brazil nuts can help lower your cholesterol and they can even boost your memory. Even though they have more calories than other nuts, they’re full of nutrients that will keep you feeling and looking great! Learn about all the benefits of eating brazil nuts every day with this guide on how to start eating brazil nuts every day.

The Best Nutrient Profile

A 1-ounce serving of shelled Brazil nuts provides 196 percent of your daily value for selenium, a nutrient that can promote thyroid function and help protect against age-related cognitive decline. According to one small study, people who consumed higher levels of selenium had lower rates of insulin resistance and fasting glucose. Add a few servings per week to your diet—it's easier than you think! They’re available both raw or roasted in bulk bins at most health food stores and grocery stores. Other foods high in selenium include beef, poultry, cheese, tuna fish and wild salmon.

Vitamin E

Brazil nuts are a rich source of Vitamin E, which helps skin cells to repair and regenerate at a faster rate. This vitamin also has antioxidant properties that can protect your skin from sun damage and wrinkles. Other antioxidants in Brazil nuts include selenium, magnesium, and zinc—all of which aid in combating acne.


These nuts are an excellent source of magnesium, a mineral that helps keep bones strong and may lower your risk for stroke. Low levels of magnesium are linked to high blood pressure and heart disease. Magnesium also keeps our nerves healthy so we can use them for everyday tasks, like working or exercising. For example, a single cup of Brazil nuts provides 36 percent of your daily needs for magnesium.


One study conducted in Brazil has shown that a diet rich in selenium may actually boost fertility by improving sperm quality and increasing blood testosterone levels. Researchers found that men who ate 100 micrograms of selenium daily—the same amount present in 2 ounces of brazil nuts—had greater sperm concentration and mobility than those who didn’t.


What’s more, brazil nuts are filled with fiber. One ounce of these nuts contains 4.7 grams of dietary fiber—that’s 10 percent of your daily recommended intake. Fiber is necessary for good digestive health, and one serving of brazil nuts can also provide you with 60 percent of your daily intake of manganese, a mineral that helps maintain normal cholesterol levels and overall cardiovascular health. Not a bad snack if you ask us!


A mineral, phosphorus is required for healthy bone formation and helps form DNA. It plays a role in muscle contraction, energy metabolism and cognitive functions. Phosphorus found in nuts helps to lower bad cholesterol levels and improves bone health by strengthening bone matrix.

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of protein, which your body needs to build muscle mass. Many experts suggest getting between 50 and 60 percent of your daily calories from protein. One ounce of brazil nuts provides 8 grams of protein—that’s a quarter of your daily requirement in just one serving! Plus, they’re a good source of essential fats that help keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Of course, we know it’s not possible to eat just one serving! But try to get two or three servings each day to reap maximum benefits.

Protein and Fats

Brazil nuts are an excellent source of protein, which your body needs to build muscle mass. Many experts suggest getting between 50 and 60 percent of your daily calories from protein. One ounce of brazil nuts provides 8 grams of protein—that’s a quarter of your daily requirement in just one serving! Plus, they’re a good source of essential fats that help keep your cardiovascular system healthy. Of course, we know it’s not possible to eat just one serving! But try to get two or three servings each day to reap maximum benefits.


Brazil nuts are a great source of iron, which is essential for carrying oxygen to your body’s cells. An iron deficiency can lead to anemia, or low levels of red blood cells in your body. When you eat too little iron over time, you can experience weakness and fatigue. But with about two-thirds of your daily recommended dose in one brazil nut, you’ll get all of your necessary iron intake in one small serving!


If you want to improve your memory, prevent macular degeneration and keep your immune system in tip-top shape, consider eating more brazil nuts. They’re one of nature’s most bioavailable sources of zinc, an essential mineral that plays a key role in cell division, immune function and DNA synthesis.

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

Not only are Brazil nuts good for your heart, they may also reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure. Their high selenium content has been shown to increase antioxidant activity within white blood cells. The Selenium Health Study found that selenium supplementation was associated with a 50% reduction in inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and psoriasis, as well as a 50% decrease in diabetes.

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