Top 7 Reasons Why Almonds Are Good For Your Health

Almonds are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, but they taste amazing as well. Read on to find out why almonds are one of the healthiest nuts in the world. Here are 7 reasons why almonds can benefit your health

Almonds are loaded with nutrients, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats that can help you lead a healthy lifestyle. Not only that, but they taste amazing as well. Read on to find out why almonds are one of the healthiest nuts in the world. Here are 7 reasons why almonds can benefit your health

Research suggests that almonds may also have some potential for weight loss. Eating almonds can help reduce your appetite, making you feel fuller and reducing your urge to snack between meals. In one small study published in Appetite, researchers found that a handful of almonds led to reduced hunger for about 90 minutes compared with other foods like pretzels and crackers (although all were high in calories). But keep in mind that if you want to use nuts as a dieting tool, keeping them around 50-100 calories per day is ideal. That way they won’t be too low or too high in calories—instead of having a large amount of food from just almonds throughout the day, it’s best to spread out their consumption at every meal.

1) Weight Loss

Research suggests that almonds may also have some potential for weight loss. Eating almonds can help reduce your appetite, making you feel fuller and reducing your urge to snack between meals. In one small study published in Appetite, researchers found that a handful of almonds led to reduced hunger for about 90 minutes compared with other foods like pretzels and crackers (although all were high in calories). But keep in mind that if you want to use nuts as a dieting tool, keeping them around 50-100 calories per day is ideal. That way they won’t be too low or too high in calories—instead of having a large amount of food from just almonds throughout the day, it’s best to spread out their consumption at every meal.

2) Prevent heart disease

A study published in The New England Journal of Medicine found that a diet high in almonds helped prevent heart disease. Another study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that eating almonds regularly reduces bad LDL cholesterol and increases good HDL cholesterol. Additionally, research at UCLA found that almonds reduce levels of oxidized LDL, which is more harmful than non-oxidized LDL. And finally, according to an animal study published in Experimental Biology and Medicine, almond consumption reduced weight gain and fat storage due to excessive caloric intake.

3) Prevent cancer

As a great source of fiber, almonds promote digestive health, which may help lower your risk of colon cancer. One study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention found that participants who ate more fiber-rich foods like almonds were less likely to develop colon polyps than those who followed a low-fiber diet. Bonus: Almonds' healthy fats may also protect against heart disease. Researchers from Loma Linda University have shown that participants who consumed an ounce and a half of almonds per day (that's about 25 percent of their daily calorie intake) had less plaque buildup in their arteries than those who didn't eat nuts at all.

4) Combat diabetes

Those that consume almonds regularly can drastically reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is a big deal considering that 1 in 11 Americans (or more than 29 million people) currently live with diabetes and another 86 million adults have prediabetes, which puts them at risk for developing full-blown diabetes. Research has found that eating just one serving of almonds daily can significantly reduce your chances of getting type 2 diabetes by as much as 30 percent. What’s more, almond eaters also experience reduced cholesterol levels, smaller waist circumferences and improved heart health as well. Almonds contain significant amounts of vitamin E, copper, manganese and magnesium—four nutrients associated with a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease when eaten regularly.

5) Nourish your body with vitamins, minerals and fiber

With its scrumptious flavor and crunchy texture, almonds make for a snack that fits any mood. It’s no surprise then that almonds have long been a healthy favorite. In fact, an ounce of almonds contains more calcium than an ounce of milk—that’s something to chew on!

The magnesium in almonds helps increase enzyme function. Not only that, it also promotes healthy digestion and helps you absorb important nutrients from food, vitamins and minerals alike. The B vitamins help convert food into energy for your body to use. Niacin protects against Alzheimer’s disease by maintaining cell membranes and boosting metabolism. Folic acid is a crucial nutrient for women of childbearing age, as it reduces risk of neural tube defects during pregnancy—and almonds are one of its best sources! It’s also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in your blood which can decrease risk of stroke and heart attack over time.

6) Improve digestion

The magnesium in almonds helps increase enzyme function. Not only that, it also promotes healthy digestion and helps you absorb important nutrients from food, vitamins and minerals alike. The B vitamins help convert food into energy for your body to use. Niacin protects against Alzheimer’s disease by maintaining cell membranes and boosting metabolism. Folic acid is a crucial nutrient for women of childbearing age, as it reduces risk of neural tube defects during pregnancy—and almonds are one of its best sources! It’s also been shown to reduce cholesterol levels in your blood which can decrease risk of stroke and heart attack over time.

7) Stay fit with almonds in your diet

Almonds and almond butter have played a major role in weight loss diets over the years. There are countless success stories of people who use almonds as a healthy snack while trying to lose weight. However, what most people don’t know is that almonds also offer some fantastic health benefits, too. From lowering cholesterol to combating cancer and other diseases, here are seven reasons why you should add more almonds to your diet: 1. Lower cholesterol levels; 2. Helps control blood sugar; 3. Combat cancer; 4. Great for digestion; 5. Help with nutrient absorption; 6 .Boost your energy levels; 7 .Keeps skin beautiful and youthful Looking for ways to get more almonds into your diet?

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