9 Health Benefits of Pinoli Nuts Or Pine Nuts You Didn't Know About

You’ve probably seen pinoli nuts or pine nuts at the grocery store and wondered if they’re worth eating. We’re here to tell you that they are absolutely worth your time—the 9 health benefits of pinoli nuts you never knew about will help you see why!

You’ve probably seen pinoli nuts or pine nuts at the grocery store and wondered if they’re worth eating. We’re here to tell you that they are absolutely worth your time—the 9 health benefits of pinoli nuts you never knew about will help you see why!

1) Improves Heart Health

According to a 2012 study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, pinoli nuts can lower your LDL cholesterol, helping you reduce your risk for heart disease. Additionally, pinoli nuts may help improve blood pressure levels; a 2005 study published in Diabetes Care found that patients with type 2 diabetes who added pinolis to their diet saw an average drop of 13 points. From lowering your blood pressure to reducing inflammation in diabetic patients, pinolis provide plenty of benefits for diabetics and anyone looking to keep their heart healthy.

2) Reduces Inflammation

Pinoli nuts are well known for their ability to reduce inflammation, which makes them a great go-to snack for athletes and other active individuals. In fact, pinoli nuts were historically eaten by Native Americans before going into battle because they were thought to improve agility. So next time you’re heading out on a long run or hitting up a class at your local gym, be sure to include some pinoli nuts in your pre-workout snack routine. The combination of healthy fats and protein will help keep your muscles strong while also reducing any post-workout soreness or inflammation.

3) Supports Weight Loss

One ounce (1 oz.) of pinoli nuts contains 5.3 grams (g) of protein, 6.7 g fat, and 7.8 g carbohydrate [R]. Protein helps you feel full while reducing calorie intake [R], while fat is a good source of long-lasting energy and boosts metabolism [R]. The carbs in pinoli nuts are mainly fiber, which can aid weight loss by helping you feel full without increasing your caloric intake [R]. Pinoli nuts are also high in arginine and iron.

4) Boosts Memory and Brain Function

Pinoli nuts are rich in essential fatty acids, B vitamins, and antioxidants. These nutrients contribute to proper neurotransmitter function, which helps with short-term memory retention and boosts overall cognitive health. The antioxidants found in pinoli nuts also combat cell damage and improve brain function over time. Try snacking on a handful or including them in your favorite salad recipe to get all of these benefits on a regular basis.

5) Promotes Good Eyesight

Among pinoli nut’s health benefits is its ability to improve vision. Studies show that pinolis can help slow down eye damage and protect eyes from cataracts, glaucoma, and macular degeneration. In addition, pinolis can aid those who already have eye problems; one study found that patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) saw an improvement in their vision when consuming 4g of pinolis per day for 12 months. The conclusion was that consuming more pinolis on a regular basis may protect you from visual loss and other eyesight-related conditions.

6) Great Source of Vitamin B6

For centuries, Egyptians have considered pinoli nuts to be a symbol of fertility. This claim is supported by several studies that show that pinolis contain high amounts of vitamin B6, an essential nutrient for reproduction. Vitamin B6 can help increase your sex drive and improve semen quality. And if you’re trying to conceive, you’ll want to eat more of these nuts: A study in Australia found that women who ate a handful per day had better overall ovulation results than those who didn’t.

7) Prevents Diabetes and Blood Sugar Disorders

Studies have shown that pinolis can help with blood sugar disorders by slowing down how quickly blood sugar rises in your bloodstream. In one test, scientists fed subjects a solid breakfast with 60 grams of carbohydrates along with 30 grams of pinolis. While subjects who did not consume pinolis had their blood sugar peak at about 120 minutes, those who consumed it only reached a maximum glucose level of 90 minutes after eating. This means that you'll feel fuller for longer and will be less likely to reach for sugary treats later on in order to satisfy your cravings!

8) Controls Cholesterol Levels in the Body

High cholesterol can cause numerous health problems, including heart disease and strokes. Pinolis are full of heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that improve cholesterol levels in the body. Studies show that eating pinoli nuts regularly reduces total cholesterol by 3% to 5%. In addition, pinolis can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol while simultaneously raising HDL (good) cholesterol. That's an effective way to prevent atherosclerosis – a dangerous condition that causes arteries to clog and increases your risk for heart attacks and strokes. Research suggests that pinolis may also help lower triglycerides and raise protective high-density lipoprotein levels in patients with metabolic syndrome.

9) Fights Infections in the Body

Research has shown that pinoli nuts have antiviral and antibacterial properties which help fight against bacterial and viral infections in our body. These nuts contain resveratrol, pinolenic acid, pinolonic acid, quercetin and kaempferol as major antioxidants which prevent microbes from replicating. Nutrients present in these nuts also support anti-inflammatory response of our body to protect it from acute inflammation and illnesses such as cancer or heart disease. Resveratrol in particular has been found to promote apoptosis by decreasing NF-κB expression levels while it increases those associated with proapoptotic proteins like BAX.[1] [2] [3]

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