10 Surprising Benefits of Lemons

Packed with vitamin C, lemons have been used in folk medicine around the world as a home remedy to soothe coughs and colds, treat skin conditions, and even improve digestion. Lemon juice has also been added to water to make it easier to consume more daily fluid requirements, making them an effective addition to your diet regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight or simply take better care of yourself overall. Here are 10 surprising benefits of lemons that you may not know about.

Packed with vitamin C, lemons have been used in folk medicine around the world as a home remedy to soothe coughs and colds, treat skin conditions, and even improve digestion. Lemon juice has also been added to water to make it easier to consume more daily fluid requirements, making them an effective addition to your diet regardless of whether you’re trying to lose weight or simply take better care of yourself overall. Here are 10 surprising benefits of lemons that you may not know about.

1) Lemon juice fights bad breath

If you’re struggling with bad breath, try squeezing a little lemon juice into your water or some tea. As an added bonus, you can also use it to kill germs. Simply dab a little on a toothbrush and brush as usual. You can also use it as a natural mouthwash by mixing equal parts lemon juice and water in a small cup and swishing that around your mouth for 30 seconds before spitting out. When you rinse, don’t swallow any of that mixture—it can be toxic if swallowed!

2) Lemon juice helps lose weight

Drinking just a half-cup of lemon juice each day can help you lose weight by speeding up your metabolism. There’s also some evidence that it can reduce high blood pressure, improve liver function and lower cholesterol levels. The fruit is also an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps promote healthy skin, hair and nails. An added bonus? It has a slightly tart taste that perks up water!

3) Lemon removes stains from surfaces

Lemon is good for removing stains from surfaces as well. The natural citric acid present in lemon can cut through dirt, grease and wax and makes it easier to wash away any marks left on them. You can use lemon juice or even lemon rind to rub out any stains on surfaces like tiles, marble or granite. It’s a handy trick to know!

4) Lemon water detoxifies your body

While many people aren’t aware, lemons contain key nutrients that help detoxify your body and provide you with a host of health benefits. Lemons are packed with vitamin C and antioxidants that boost immunity, fight cancer, and prevent other diseases from developing. Drink a cup or two of lemon water every morning to cleanse your system and eliminate toxins from your body. You can even make a few bottles to take on-the-go! It makes for a great alternative to water when you’re feeling thirsty; it also helps combat constipation by increasing peristalsis in your digestive tract. If you have gastrointestinal issues like IBS or GERD, make sure to drink at least one glass per day—it works wonders!

5) Lemon lightens skin tone

By adding lemon juice to a little water and applying it to your face, you can make your skin look brighter and healthier. The citric acid in lemons helps your skin create more melanin, giving it a sun-kissed glow that appears much younger than what it is. Just be sure not to use too much lemon, as that might cause your skin to dry out or peel. To get best results, try applying lemon juice with some natural honey or brown sugar (both also help lighten tone) after washing your face in the morning and at night.

6) Lemon enhances hair color

Lemon juice can enhance your hair color by several shades and make it look more radiant. All you need to do is mix equal parts lemon juice and honey, and apply it on your hair with help from a cotton ball. Keep it for about 30 minutes, then wash off with shampoo. Lemon is good for your skin: Drinking plenty of water is not enough to maintain your skin’s elasticity; lemon water also keeps skin healthy. Juice a lemon in a glass of warm water and add a little bit of honey to improve its taste. Drink one glass daily, preferably in the morning before breakfast. Lemon can reduce body weight: According to experts, drinking two glasses of fresh lemon juice every day will reduce 5-7% body fat within just 2 weeks!

7) Lemon brightens face skin tone

A simple but effective way to brighten your face is to scrub it with a half lemon. The citric acid is beneficial for removing dead skin and getting rid of excess oil. The result is a brighter, smoother complexion that’s easier to maintain over time. Get some lemon juice on a half-lemon and rub it all over your face, avoiding eyes. Leave it on for up to 10 minutes before rinsing off with cold water or patting dry with a towel. If you have sensitive skin, dilute lemon juice with an equal amount of water and use it just as you would any other astringent or toner.

8) Lemon whitens teeth instantly

Squeeze some lemon juice onto a wet toothbrush. Brush your teeth as you normally would, but don’t rinse off. The citric acid in lemons will lighten teeth instantly. Don’t worry about oversensitivity either, since it only lasts for a few minutes. Just make sure to brush gently! Your tooth enamel is still sensitive after bleaching and you may scrape off some if you scrub too hard. If your teeth are too yellow or stained, consider getting a professional dental bleaching done—lemon won’t be effective enough in those situations.

9) Lemon as antiseptic in natural cures for disease

In addition to cleaning your kitchen and bathroom, lemons have a multitude of health benefits. The acidity found in lemons is powerful enough to act as an antiseptic on your skin, killing germs and soothing itching or inflammation. If you’re prone to acne, lemon juice makes a great toner to reduce breakouts. For those with weak nails that tend to crack or split easily, using a lemon juice treatment once per week will help strengthen them by removing dead cells on the surface layer of your nail bed. Lemon water will also benefit your digestion, as it helps dissolve potentially harmful substances within your digestive tract. Use it in place of vinegar or other acidic foods when cooking rice and beans for extra flavor without adding unnecessary calories or fat.

10) Add lemon to water for extra flavor

Who needs to drink plain old water when you can flavor it with lemon? Not only will your body benefit from an increased intake of H2O, but adding citrus to water is an easy way to improve your mood. The vitamin C in lemons not only increases energy levels and promotes alertness, but also is shown to have a positive effect on stress, anxiety and depression. If that’s not enough reason to pick up a few extra lemons from the grocery store today, I don’t know what is! Lemon just may be your new go-to energy booster.

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