10 Surprising Health Benefits of Kiwi Fruit

Kiwi fruit, with its bright green skin and sweet, juicy flesh, has become a staple of fruit bowls across the world – not only because it’s delicious but also because of its incredible health benefits. This article explores 10 health benefits of kiwi fruit and why you should add this superfood to your diet as often as possible.

Kiwi fruit, with its bright green skin and sweet, juicy flesh, has become a staple of fruit bowls across the world – not only because it’s delicious but also because of its incredible health benefits. This article explores 10 health benefits of kiwi fruit and why you should add this superfood to your diet as often as possible.

1) Supports Bone Health

Kiwis are a great source of vitamin K, which helps promote bone health. If you’re concerned about your bone density or already have osteoporosis, try adding a few kiwis to your diet each day. The vitamin C content can also help boost immunity and ward off infections that interfere with calcium absorption. You may not realize it but your bones require more nutrients than most other parts of your body; that’s why it’s important to find ways to pack as many vitamins and minerals into your daily routine as possible. This can include not only eating foods rich in calcium but also consuming protein from sources like fish and yogurt. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is also beneficial for healthy bones—and kiwis are no exception!

2) Contains Niacin

Niacin, which is also known as vitamin B3, helps with heart health by raising HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and lowering LDL cholesterol (the bad kind). It can also help lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. Kiwis are a particularly rich source of niacin for fruit. Just 1 kiwi fruit contains 15% of your daily recommended intake, which amounts to about 20 mg of niacin. This can be helpful for promoting general cardiovascular health.

3) Promotes Eye Health

1 in 10 Americans suffer from some degree of vision loss, with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and glaucoma being two of most common. Eating kiwis may help decrease your risk for these diseases by promoting eye health; it contains lutein and zeaxanthin—the yellow pigments responsible for healthy eyesight. Your diet should be abundant in lutein and zeaxanthin because many Americans do not consume enough leafy greens or fish—and their main dietary sources.

Kiwis are filled with vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system and protect you from illnesses. Vitamin C may also decrease oxidative stress, a factor in many common health problems. To get your daily dose of vitamin C, try eating one kiwi—about 86% of Americans aren’t getting enough. Studies show that just one kiwi fruit provides more than 100% of your daily intake. As an added bonus, research indicates that these fuzzy fruits may have cancer-fighting properties

4) Boosts Immunity

Kiwis are filled with vitamin C, which can help boost your immune system and protect you from illnesses. Vitamin C may also decrease oxidative stress, a factor in many common health problems. To get your daily dose of vitamin C, try eating one kiwi—about 86% of Americans aren’t getting enough. Studies show that just one kiwi fruit provides more than 100% of your daily intake. As an added bonus, research indicates that these fuzzy fruits may have cancer-fighting properties!

5) Improves Digestion

The flesh of kiwis is made up mostly of water, so it helps to hydrate and keep your digestive system regular. Just one cup contains 10 percent of your recommended daily intake for fiber. The extra bulk helps prevent constipation, diverticulosis and hemorrhoids by softening stool. This also makes it easier to pass naturally, avoiding excessive straining and abdominal pain that often occurs with constipation. Along with their high water content, kiwis have a relatively low amount of sugar — just 2 grams per serving — making them a good choice for those who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They also contain alpha-galactosidase and actinidin, two enzymes that help digest carbohydrates and protein in food.

6) Reduces The Risk Of Cancer

Thanks to its high levels of vitamin C, beta-carotene and lutein, kiwi fruit may help protect against heart disease, Alzheimer’s disease and certain cancers. A 2012 study published in Nutrients found that women who consumed higher amounts of anthocyanins (found in kiwis) had a reduced risk for breast cancer. This could be due to anthocyanins’ ability to reduce DNA damage, prevent cell growth or inhibit tumor formation. So next time you’re at your supermarket picking up produce, don’t forget about those fuzzy green fruits! One large kiwi contains only 64 calories—perfect if you’re looking for healthier options while trying to maintain a healthy weight.

7) Reduces Heart Disease Risk Factors

All-around good for your heart, kiwi contains a flavonoid called lutein that reduces LDL or bad cholesterol. It also contains an antioxidant called quercetin, which protects cells against damage caused by stress and high blood pressure. The potassium in kiwi reduces high blood pressure levels while also helping to prevent kidney stones. The fiber present in kiwi improves heart health by lowering cholesterol levels. It can even reduce arterial plaque buildup. All of these factors play a role in reducing your risk for cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack.

8) Helps Control Blood Sugar Levels in Diabetics

Like most fruits, kiwi fruit is low in carbohydrates. But unlike most fruits, they are also lower in sugar, which can help people with diabetes and prediabetes manage their blood sugar levels. A study published in a 2013 issue of Current Diabetes Reviews found that rats with type 1 diabetes who were fed 2 kiwis a day for 5 weeks had improved insulin sensitivity and lowered glucose levels compared to those not given kiwis. Researchers attributed these findings to anthocyanins—the natural compounds responsible for making fruits like kiwis blue, purple or red—which have been shown to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress within cells. These compounds are thought to also play a role in reducing cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease.

9) Acts as An Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Kiwis contain a high amount of vitamin C, which is essential for maintaining healthy cartilage and other connective tissues. In addition to improving your joint health, kiwis are also used to treat arthritis symptoms in patients that can’t tolerate other pain-relieving medications. The fruit also contains malic acid, which acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and has been shown to reduce gout symptoms like muscle pain and tenderness. Even if you aren’t suffering from one of these conditions, it’s important to eat foods that help keep your bones healthy so they don’t become more susceptible to breaking later in life. Plus, eating plenty of fruits and vegetables can prevent osteoporosis by keeping calcium levels balanced.

10) Aids Weight Loss

Kiwis’ high levels of vitamin C, folate and potassium help curb appetite and keep weight in check. One study found that eating kiwifruit may be an effective weight-loss tool for overweight men, who tend to have a higher body fat percentage than women (and therefore may benefit from more nutrient-dense foods). Participants ate one large kiwifruit three times daily with each meal; by the end of two weeks, they lost 2 pounds. While it won’t necessarily cause you to lose weight on its own, adding them to your diet will help you slim down—in a smart way.

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