10 Interesting Facts about Jackfruits

Jackfruits are actually one of the most commonly consumed fruits in the world.Unfortunately,though, not everyone know about their numerous health benefits and nutritive values, which means that more people don’t eat enough of them and are missing out on some great advantages to their health and well-being! Here are 10 interesting facts about jackfruits that might just make you want to take another bite

Jackfruits are actually one of the most commonly consumed fruits in the world.Unfortunately,though, not everyone know about their numerous health benefits and nutritive values, which means that more people don’t eat enough of them and are missing out on some great advantages to their health and well-being! Here are 10 interesting facts about jackfruits that might just make you want to take another bite!


1) Jackfruit as a Birth Control Method


Jackfruit can be used as a Birth Control Method. The fruit’s ripened seeds contain Hydroxycitric Acid, which is a chemical that can help limit your body’s absorption of fat. This fruit is found in most parts of India. For all those who are planning to go on birth control, you must have heard of Jackfruit Seeds trick where people usually take5-6 seeds of raw Jackfruit and eat before they go to bed at night and it actually helps them from getting pregnant. It has been proved by most women as well as doctors who claim it really works! In fact, Jackfruit also contains vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, A and E, iron along with zinc. Jackfruit contains over 22 amino acids; hence making it one of the healthiest fruits ever! These amino acids play an important role in building muscle mass within our bodies. Apart from being rich in fiber content (1 cup serving contains 4 grams), jackfruits are low on cholesterol and sodium content.


2) Lowers Cholesterol and Blood Pressure


Jackfruit is high in phytochemicals, which are a type of chemical compound that is associated with reduced risks of many chronic diseases. Studies have shown that those who eat jackfruit regularly may reduce their risk of developing heart disease and hypertension. Increase Vitamin C Intake: This tropical fruit contains even more vitamin C than oranges, making it a great addition to your diet if you’re looking to improve your immune system. Reduces Inflammation: Inflammation can affect multiple systems throughout your body, so eating foods that can help combat inflammation can be beneficial for many people.Because jackfruit helps reduce inflammation, it may aid in managing issues like diabetes and arthritis.


3) Has All Essential Amino Acids


While jackfruit is not a complete protein, it does contain all of them. It contains a perfect balance of essential amino acids, which makes it good for muscle recovery and building. If you’re a vegetarian or don’t eat meat, jackfruit is a great alternative to animal proteins. And if you’re wondering what other kinds of foods are complete proteins, check out our list here.


4) Naturally Gluten Free


Jackfruit is naturally gluten free, making it a great substitute for dishes that typically have gluten in them. Jackfruit pairs well with both sweet and savory flavors, allowing you to make various dishes from stir-fry's to soups. This natural fruit also provides many essential nutrients including potassium, magnesium, calcium and vitamin C. When choosing a jackfruit for consumption, look for one that is plump and appears heavy for its size. Additionally look for one that has a yellowish green color rather than pale yellow or tan colors since those types are lacking in flavor. This product can be stored at room temperature before preparation until it is ready to be cooked.


5) Good For Diabetes Patients


Diabetics can now enjoy a healthier diet with jackfruit, since it has been proven to help control blood sugar levels. Jackfruit contains polyphenols and phytochemicals that may have anti-diabetic effects. A study published in 2005 in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry found that a diet supplemented with jackfruit pulp was effective in preventing and reducing oxidative stress. According to NDTV, a leading news channel in India, another study conducted by Nutrition Laboratory at Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology has shown that diabetics who consumed jackfruit experienced better blood glucose levels compared to those who did not consume it.


6) Helps in Preventing Stroke and Heart Attack


Potassium keeps blood pressure and stress levels down by encouraging muscles to relax. Being deficient in potassium causes our arteries to harden, which can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. Research shows that eating foods rich in potassium—such as jackfruit—can reduce your risk of stroke by preventing hypertension. In one study, participants who ate a diet high in potassium had significantly lower blood pressure after only four weeks on a potassium-rich diet, than those who consumed a low-potassium diet.


7) Contains Iron, Potassium, Fiber, Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin A & C.


Eating a jackfruit provides all of these essential nutrients, meaning it can help your body fight off infections, help with hormone balance and support your immune system. Try to eat a couple slices of fresh jackfruit every day and you’ll soon notice increased energy levels, stronger immunity and even improved sleep quality. And that’s not all: jackfruit seeds are packed with protein, making them an excellent addition to any weight-loss plan or regimen.


8) Can Relieve from Asthma and Gout Pain


I recently read a study which says that people suffering from gout should eat jackfruit as it is a rich source of compounds called ureas which have anti-inflammatory properties. The research also found that these ureas can be used in treating asthma. Therefore, if you're suffering from these diseases then you should try to include jackfruit in your diet on regular basis. It will help you treat your disease naturally.

9) Boosts Immune System


One of the most significant health benefits of jackfruit is that it is rich in antioxidants, specifically flavonoids and carotenoids. Antioxidants are known to play a crucial role in helping your body fight off diseases by neutralizing free radicals, highly reactive compounds that can damage healthy cells and DNA. As antioxidants are also known to help reduce inflammation, they may also reduce joint pain and stiffness. Eating fruit that’s rich in antioxidants has also been linked to healthier blood vessels, which may lower your risk for heart disease as well as high blood pressure.


10) Can be Used as Fertilizer Too!

Did you know that you can use jackfruit as fertilizer? In India, it is used to make a natural fertilizer from its seed. Just dry out some seeds and put them in your compost bin for a little more kick. Or if you really want to get crazy, boil down some of those seeds with your urine for a great way to fertilize plants!

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